Excel for Performance Analysts

Like it or loathe it Excel has not been around for over 30 years and is one of the most widely used software’s in the world. As a sport scientist or coach you probably spend a lot of time in and around Excel. In my experience most people learn the very basics, dipping into YouTube anytime you are asked to do something new.

However there is a better way. Excel is an extremely powerful software and has the ability to significantly speed up your analysis work and make your output more professional.

The Video Analyst has partnered with the brilliant Excel Tricks for Sports to bring you a brand new Excel For Analysts course.

This video series consists of 9.5 hours of content and will walk through the process and concepts from start to finish. At the conclusion of the course you will have working tools that you can use right away.

The course is designed to for those new to excel as well as those with plenty of experience. You are bound to find new and more efficient ways to improve your analysis and reporting. You can see the full course content and outline here. 

Excel for Performance Analysts





Rob Carroll. Founder of The Video Analyst.com Performance Analyst. Always learning.